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This web application provides a dynamic, window-based interface to a collection of critically evaluated thermodynamic property data. JavaScript must be supported and enabled in order to use this interface (This is the default behavior for all common browsers). This interface includes support for using the browser's back button to undo actions, support for bookmarking a particular state of the workspace, and provides Universal Resource Locators (URLs) that can be copied, pasted, and distributed to other authorized users to share a particular workspace state.
The server attempts to auto-validate subscribers based upon the IP address of the client computer. If a user has a subscription and auto-validation fails, the user can log in via the Login Required/Sign Out button on the Site Menu Bar.
To initiate a search for a compound, enter a compound name in the Quick Search Box or select Compound Search from the Site Menus for more options. The data and recommendations can be loaded for only one compound at a time. Common compounds may have a large amount of data and may be slow to load; please, be patient.
Once the data have been loaded, the Navigation Tree can be used to explore the available properties. Opened windows dynamically
appear in the Workspace and are added to the Window Menu,
to enable quick navigation if the Workspace becomes crowded. All windows can
closed with the button ()
in the upper-right of each window.
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The TRC Group is part of the Thermophysical Properties Division in NIST's Material Measurement Laboratory
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce