For this compound, WTT contains critically evaluated recommendations for:
- Triple point temperature (Crystal 1, Liquid, and Gas)
1 experimental data points
- Normal boiling temperature (Liquid and Gas)
- Critical temperature (Liquid and Gas)
- Critical pressure (Liquid and Gas)
- Boiling temperature (Liquid in equilibrium with Gas) as a function of Pressure
Pressure from 0.000174323 kPa to 7283.09 kPa
- Phase boundary pressure (Liquid in equilibrium with Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 109.7 K to 347 K
1 experimental data points
- Critical density (Liquid and Gas)
- Density
- Density (Liquid in equilibrium with Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 109.7 K to 347 K
1 experimental data points
- Density (Gas) as a function of Temperature and Pressure
Temperature from 134.236 K to 340.012 K
Pressure from 0.001 kPa to 984.539 kPa
- Density (Gas in equilibrium with Liquid) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 268.392 K to 347 K
- Enthalpy of vaporization or sublimation (Liquid to Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 109.7 K to 347 K
- Heat capacity at saturation pressure (Liquid in equilibrium with Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 109.7 K to 340 K
- Heat capacity at constant pressure (Ideal Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 50 K to 1500 K
- Enthalpy
- Enthalpy (Liquid in equilibrium with Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 109.7 K to 340 K
- Enthalpy (Ideal Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 50 K to 1500 K
- Entropy
- Entropy (Ideal Gas) as a function of Temperature and Pressure
Temperature from 50 K to 1500 K
- Entropy (Liquid in equilibrium with Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 109.7 K to 340 K
- Viscosity
- Viscosity (Gas) as a function of Temperature and Pressure
Temperature from 220 K to 520 K
- Viscosity (Liquid in equilibrium with Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 120 K to 340 K
- Thermal conductivity
- Thermal conductivity (Gas) as a function of Temperature and Pressure
Temperature from 220 K to 520 K
- Thermal conductivity (Liquid in equilibrium with Gas) as a function of Temperature
Temperature from 110 K to 310 K
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